the fallows aaron ross Global Warming's Poetry...The Fallows
Global Warming's Poetry... The Fallows!

​In The Fallows, poetry has never been so alive.The Fallows is about one man abandoned as a child. He returns home after seeking his family to a house that is empty. The love of his life  is missing. All of her things are still there. The neighbors and police cannot find her. In The Fallows the man goes on an adventure to find his love that includes the Greek Gods, the Phoenix, and every person on this earth to find her. To find his love in The Falows the man must save the earth from global warming before it is too late. Dying he goes to the underworld wear he is reunited with his love upon the shores of Tartarus. Separated from his love by the Gods in the underworld for eternity the man must accept his fate with tears. Will he be reunited with his love again or will he stay separated from his love for eternity, upon the Isles of Tragedy. The love  of his life lies sleeping in Elysian Fields, with a secret only the Gods know.
Global Warming's  Poetry The Fallows ® 55 Corbett Ave, Irwin, PA 15642
The Fallows
Believe In Love
aron Ross
Aaron Ross In The Fallows has developed a visual story for the American people and the nations of the world that rhymes like a poem yet reads like a novel. The Fallows is the most unforgettable love story ever to touch the pages of literature."
​"The Fallows is the best epic love Poetry ever written. People are very happy with the results."
" The Fallows is Poetry well done... Top-rated among novels"

"Best in it's class! I wouldn't read another book before The Fallows..."
"The Fallows is Poetry that touches the heart, mind, and soul..."
​"Behind the words of The Fallows you can see Aaron Ross’s hike across the United States to give The Fallows to the love of his life to tell her how much he loves her. Inspiring lovers now and forever with the only living love story ever written."
​"Aaron Ross fills a jar with Ocean water on Sep 11th in New York City with the sunrise in the Atlantic, to be carried across the United States of America. Aaron Ross will hike across America with the words of The Fallows leading the way, the jar of ocean water will be poured into the Pacific Ocean at Santa Monica Beach with the sunset. Hiking across America Aaron Ross raises the American Flag and a Peace Flag with over 300 signatures as he began the hike across America to end war, poverty, global warming, human trafficking, and disease." 
​"The Fallows is packed with tears... Get ready for an emotional rolller coaster..."
"The Fallows...The Fallows...The Fallows...The Fallows...The Fallows...The Fallows...The Fallows...The Fallows...The Fallows...The Fallows...The Fallows...The Fallows...The Fallows...The Fallows..."